Commissioning from start to finish

First on the planning: verify if the system meets all predefined requirements as described in the URS. We first test the more complex, GMP-critical systems at the system supplier during the Factory Acceptance Test (FAT). If that test is successful, we give the green light to transport the systems to the destination site. After that, the system is installed, after which the Site Acceptance Test (SAT) is performed. If the system also passes that test, it is time for the system qualification. 

  • Evelien Van Herck
    “Our team also subjects less complex, non-GMP critical systems to commissioning. This Installation & Operational Commissioning (IOC) usually takes place directly at the site. After the commissioning phase, we transfer the system to the final user, after which it is validated and qualified.”
    Evelien – Project Manager

Commissioning FAT/SAT – Advipro @ your service

  • Establishing commissioning protocols 
  • Implementation & reporting of predefined tests 
  • Decommissioning 
  • Project management of the commissioning process 
commissioning FAT SAT

Want your commissioning phase to go smoothly? It is Advipro's expertise.